Religious education

Halloween and Bonfire night - Assembly / Class resource pack
Halloween and Bonfire night - Assembly / Class resource pack
Bonfire Night PowerPoint Presentation
Halloween PowerPoint Presentation
Keeping safe PowerPoint Presentation
See individual resources for more details.

Halloween 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or in class.
Halloween 2017
PowerPoint Presentation - saved in 2 versions of PowerPoint for people using an older version of PowerPoint.
It could be used in an assembly or in class.
Halloween is on Tuesday 31st October.
I have included some previews of the sides.
It covers:
What is Halloween?
When did it start?
Why do people trick or treat?
Why Pumpkins?
Halloween around the world?
Keeping Safe at Halloween.
An embedded video from YouTube - You will need an internet connection to view it.
It is easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Eid - al - Fitr and Ramadan 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or in class (Eid-ul-fitr)
Eid - al - Fitr and Ramadan 2017
PowerPoint Presentation - Saved in two versions of PowerPoint.
Assembly or as a whole class
Contains a link to a YouTube video on the last side so will need internet connection to play it.
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Easter Resource Bundle
Easter and Palm Sunday presentation that could be used in class or assembly.
Easter egg hunt code breaker activity aimed at years 3 or 4 but could be suitable higher up as a starter activity.

Palm Sunday 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly - In Class
Palm Sunday 2017
PowerPoint Presentation
Could be used for an assembly or in class.
There is a link to a video on YouTube - this will only work if you have internet connection and YouTube is not blocked within your organisation. It is linked into the presentation so you shouldn't have you close the presentation to show it.
I have saved it in two versions on PowerPoint, if you have an older version.

Easter 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or in class.
Easter 2017
PowerPoint Presentation - saved in 2 versions of PowerPoint for people using an older version of PowerPoint.
It could be used in an assembly or in class.
Easter is on the 16th April this year.
I have included some previews of the sides.
It covers:
When is Easter?
What is Easter?
How do people celebrate?
Why do we have Easter eggs / Easter bunny
and Other Key Easter Dates
It is easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here